Source: Radio-Canada Ohdio - Pénélope
To read but especially to listen (in French only) - Audio capsule taken from the Work chronicle of the Pénélope show.
The labor market is going through major changes in a context of labor shortages. Specialists Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, Charles Fleury and Yves Carrière analyze the major trends that are profoundly changing the work situation in Canada.
Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, professor at École des sciences de l’administration at TÉLUQ University, is surprised by the lack of preparation of businesses and organizations, especially at airports. “Companies don't do a lot of workforce planning,” she notes. Also, the integration of technologies is not very advanced. According to her, “it is up to employers to offer attractive working conditions”.
The original text is in French. You may Google translate it directly from the following link.